Creative Catalyst | Personal Wisdom Discoveries
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Personal Wisdom Discoveries

By Lynn Scheurell

In reflecting what has brought me to today – this personal and special point in time and space that is my birthday – I am in gratitude for it all.

All the moving pieces of experience have created the evolving masterpiece of me. I know I am different from who I was through these years – and more of who I am at the same time. I know I will grow yet from here… I can’t even imagine what’s to come because what’s been wasn’t anything I could have predicted.

While I’m not where I thought I would be when I was 13, laying in the grass with my two best friends looking at the clouds and imagining our futures from within the safety of the white picket fence, I’m certain that I’m exactly where I was meant to be right now. There’s a tremendous wonder in that for me because there is no way I could have planned for my life as it’s turned out up until now. Looking back, it’s been pretty miraculous all the way around, though I didn’t know it at the time.

There are a few things that I’ve learned along the way – the most important one being my most recent life lesson. It is absolutely vital to love and accept myself as I am. To put myself as my own priority, to feel my feelings fully (and express them even if they’re ‘messy’), to be in surrender to Source and co-create my life consciously and intentionally in every way with myself as the first regard has transformed me. If it feels good, I do it. If not, I don’t.

By the way, to have total faith in Source (which is different than just talking about it or thinking that I’m doing it) and following my inner wisdom is an adventure that inevitably turns out by exceeding my dreams in the end.

The caveat is that I live my life now without worrying what others will think of me or what I create, in the increasing comfort of being within my own skin and the security of knowing that I fulfill my greatest purpose in simply being me. It’s given me new access to a greater, more spectacular light from within because I give it to myself first.

I’ve been fortunate to have many teachers along the way who have given me the gift of myself from their own unique perspective. And these teachers were not the ones I thought I would have chosen, by the way – sometimes it got really hard, until I realized that I called them in to get the ‘gunk’ I had buried deep down and couldn’t see on my own. I’m grateful they were willing to show up for me in the maelstrom and chaos of our shared experiences.

I discovered that I’m here to be a spiritual teacher through inspired communications.

Specifically, I’m here to teach three things: clarity, connection and compassion. My greatest joy is to experience others in the moment when they re-connect their life dots for new clarity and freedom. I get to live that with consistency through my work as a Creative Catalyst for entrepreneurs.

I believe that business is our highest calling made manifest through service. Anyone who is willing to undertake the rigors of entrepreneurship has set themselves up for accelerated personal development at the deepest and most profound levels. Ironically, business isn’t just strategy, systems, marketing, sales and service – the greater part of it is the entrepreneur’s heart, desires, passion and ability to focus that intensity into something that adds value to the world.

If the inner entrepreneur has clarity, then changing the world and making a living from who they are is simple. I am here to illuminate and share how to walk that life path for those willing to take it.

One of the greatest teachings for me was when I learned that not everyone wants to learn and grow. I no longer teach when it’s not wanted. Learning to limit myself in sharing with those not yet ready or who don’t want it has created a tremendous shift in perspective and energy reserves for me.

In fact, the truth of it is that when I try to lighten someone else’s load, I sabotage their growth opportunity because I’m making it too easy for them by owning ‘it’ on their behalf. They won’t hear it anyway and my energy is depleted in sharing it; in other words, it’s an irresponsible use of my energy.

Knowing when not to share and not taking anything personally about that has taught me how to shepherd my gifts better. The result is that I live in a new kind of serenity every day.

Everybody is walking their path and fighting their own battles, just as I have to get where I am today. By honoring their choices in doing so, I give myself freedom to be more of who I am.

If I am called in to ‘catalyze’ their experience, it’s a sacred responsibility I’ve been assigned and I feel fortunate to be called. And yet, I am not attached to what anybody else as a result of my work because their life is theirs to live.

In many cases, people are wounded and don’t know it – the wounds are invisible to the naked eye. I am gifted with ‘sight’ and fortunate to be a conduit for healing energy for them.

Even more, to have the gift of speaking truth with compassion in the moment is something that amazes me every time – I never know what’s going to come out but it’s so much greater than I could have ever planned. It is Universal wisdom using me as an instrument of transmission.

And I am awed every time.

I’ve also learned that self-protective walls don’t keep others out; instead, they clip my wings and keep me living small.

Honoring my own boundaries, forgiveness, gratitude, discernment, cultivated detachment, silence and contemplation are necessary keys that allow my authentic presence to be robust and express my natural state of joy. People have always been drawn to my energy; my sense is that my choice to live a lifestyle that supports those practices keeps my energy cleaner and therefore more alluring.

I believe that one of my pivotal life moments came when I decided to choose my life and really ‘own’ what I had created. I realized that I dis-empowered myself from manifesting my own greatness when I didn’t claim responsibility what I was already living – if I didn’t ‘own’ what I already manifested (even if unconsciously), it drained me of using that same power to create something new.

Inspired self-sovereignty is everything.

By the same token, it’s impossible to create fresh results by disparaging what is; in other words, you can’t hate your way to health – in physical body, finances, relationships or anything else. The only path to health is through unconditional love and noticing one’s own triggers in order to address them.

And that part is vital – to be aware of and acknowledge the emotional hooks is the first step and the second is to improve, transform, shift or even eliminate them from within. I feel the presence of grace most in those moments.

Altogether, it’s about living lightly on every level. Laughing more. Living without regret. Loving myself even when I’ve created an unexpected outcome (aka, what I used to think of as a mistake) when in the greatest picture, something else will come from it.

The Universe is living through me. My only job is to keep showing up for the experience.

I am celebrating my own bittersweet elegance in action today. I am grateful and feeling oh-so-blessed. And I am looking forward to what unfolds next… ;+)

Thank you for making this day even more special by being in my world… ~~~



  • Donnie14 January 2014


    Lynn, I was watching a show last night where I got that I had to take responsibility for EVERYTHING I’ve created thus far. Then, I was guided to go to this post, and everything that you said rings true for me in this very moment. Each day, I see how much I love working with you and feel very blessed to have you help me on my journey to owning my gifts, sharing them with the world, and making a difference. Much love to you my dear.


    • Lynn Scheurell16 January 2014

      Awwe… I’m honored to be in your world, Donnie. So happy for you… celebrating your insights!!! 🙂
