Creative Catalyst | Financial Fitness Equals Wealthy AND Healthy
Attracting financial abundance is built on physical health, fitness and vitality. People who feel good attract more (and better!) opportunities. Learn what you can do starting today to increase your financial fitness.
financial fitness, wealthy and healthy, jj flizanes
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Financial Fitness Equals Wealthy AND Healthy

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”

~ William Shakespeare, Henry V.

In our pursuit to “acquire” and create an abundant life, I all too often see more people neglect the foundation of life – health.

When we look at the principles of attracting greater abundance, as taught by Chellie Campbell author of The Wealthy Spirit, these same principles can easily be applied to our lives to improve the state of health, fitness and vitality.

When someone feels good, they have more energy. People with better energy attract more positive energy into their life.

Regardless what level your financial goals are, they are most likely higher or a step or two above where you are now, yes?

Wouldn’t it make sense then that you have to be able to handle the next level physically, emotionally, and spiritually?

Without growing yourself as a person to a higher level, how can we expect to receive at a higher level?

In exercise, it’s called adaptation. Our bodies respond to the stimulus we provide and we adapt to be able to handle it more easily. If you want to get stronger, (or faster, leaner, etc) you must add more resistance or intensity to create a new level of challenge and adaptation for your body.

Let’s look at Chellie’s 6 Keys from The Wealthy Spirit:

1. Think Positive
2. Send Out Ships
3. Count Your Money
4. Swim with Dolphins
5. Survive the Storms
6. Seek Balance and Enlightenment

Now let’s look at how we can apply these principles to our bodies at the same time for more results, greater energy and vitality.

1. Think Positive
On my 6 Week Beach Body Program, our first class is about Thinking Thin. If you think you are unhealthy, over weight, and sick, you keep attracting more of those things and your behavior does not change. “Thin and healthy” people actually view things differently. They can go to a restaurant and order a salad and really enjoy and feel satisfied. Thinking thin means you reach for water over diet soda because you want to replenish and nourish your cells so they can do their job. There is a different mindset to being “naturally” healthy and fit and practicing this way of thinking will affect your behavior and therefore your results.

2. Send Out Ships
In marketing, this is taking action steps so that the more ships you send out, the more likely some will return with riches and spices for you. Send out ships for your body by using some of your 300+ muscles and 200+ bones everyday. You were born to move, not sit. Wake up your body everyday by doing something that is physical- even if it’s only 10-15 minutes. Walk the dog, clean the house, garden, take a class, dance around, climb the stairs a few times, etc. If you don’t move your body, it will not respond the way you’d like it to later. (or maybe even now!)

3. Count Your Money
Count (or at least pay attention) to your calories! Calorie counting is not the only (or even best) way to pay attention to your food but it is one that gets results and creates awareness. You wouldn’t stand at the gas station and try to put more gas in your car then it needed, would you? It would flow out of the tank to let you know that it’s full and can not handle any more. Well, your body “overflows” a little differently but it can still tell you when you have consumed over what you need to function. Knowing your body fat percentage and calculating how many calories you need to be healthy everyday gives you a BUDGET. Your body budget is really no different than your financial budget.

4. Swim with Dolphins
If you hang out with healthy, happy people, this will rub off on you. If you hang out with people who overeat, over drink and never exercise, THIS will also rub off on you. Your energy will adapt to the dominant energy around you. Pick and choose who you spend your time with wisely. I have heard it said that you are the composite of the 5 people you hang out with most on every level: health, wealth and relationships.

5. Survive the Storms
Follow the 80/20 rule. Health is a habit, not an event. What you practice most of the time will become your new normal. Life happens and can change your plan, but learning how to adapt and keep going is the key to success in every area of life.

6. Seek Balance and Enlightenment
We are human BE-ings, not human DO-ings. Take time every week (if not everyday) to STOP and BE. Meditate, play, and rest. The more centered, clear, and positive you are, the more easily you can achieve any goal.

About The Author
J J Flizanes
JJ Flizanes is the author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core. She was named best personal trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine and is the Director of Invisible Fitness. JJ’s passion is helping men and women get results with their body and love on the outside as well as the inside. View JJ on video on YouTube or visit her blog at

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