Creative Catalyst | Face It – Tips On Having An Awesome Headshot
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Face It – Tips On Having An Awesome Headshot

By Lynn Scheurell

We humans think in pictures. And your profile photo, or headshot, captures your essence so anyone who sees it can see your entrepreneurial story in a moment.

A good headshot will illuminate your inner light, show your personality and give a peek into your life.

In a professional context, this is vital to activate sharing your innate message with the world (who you are) as well as create a connection point with your potential and current clients.

A long time ago, in another lifetime, I was a Glamour Shots headshot photographer. Beyond that, by using the ancient art of Chinese face reading with my clients, I looked at A LOT of profile photos! (Beyond that, I’ve developed my photography skills as a sideline business…) ;=)

As a result, here are a few tips from what I have seen that can make all the difference in you having an awesome headshot.

1.    No distractions! If you are in a social environment, or a friend casually snaps your photo while the guy in the background is reaching for a soda, or you’re in front of an art exhibit, you are competing with your environment for a good headshot. Let the background be neutral to really show YOU off!

2.    No lopping off friends! I see it time and time again… people are hanging with their friends, arm in arm, and they like how they look, so they simply chop off anyone else in the picture. Not only is that not healthy energetically, it’s a disservice to you because people are relating to you relating to that person in the photo vs. the person looking at your headshot. That is two completely different relationships, obviously… if you’re looking to attract business, don’t use a shot where you’re hangin’ with your homies!

3.    No body shots! A headshot on a web page is already small, so if you decide to use that photo of yourself dressed up in full, you are taking valuable “real estate” away from your headshot. Your head ends up being smaller than a postage stamp, and it’s really not enough for people to get the feel of your energy. A headshot is just that… a HEADshot!

4.    Good lighting! If your headshot has funny shadows, harsh lighting (which will age you), you’re squinty in the sun, or your face is looming in from a dark background (as in, your picture being taken at a social club), it’s not working for you. Natural lighting is great, or a professional photographer will know how to use light to complement your features. It’s all about the lighting!!!

5. The eyes are the windows to the soul! This is the connection place between you and the person seeing your headshot – this is how you engage people when you’re not there. If you are friendly, approachable, and/or playful, it’s likely people will want to connect with you. Eye contact shows whether you are open to relationship in some manner or if you are closed for business. If you’re doing a stare-down, not looking at the camera, or wearing sunglasses, you’re not giving your people the opportunity to engage with your light. Eye contact is a key to your emotional being and is just as important in a headshot as it is in person.

6.    Creativity wins! If you want to do a profile shot with a quick look at the camera, or catch yourself in the middle of a good laugh, or want to wear something that is “you”, do it! A picture paints a thousand words… and in business, your headshot can attract you thousands of dollars. Your headshot shows what is important to you, so capture your personality in the moment. Let your headshot reflect who you are – after all, that’s who people want to know.

7.    Supermodels are out! A good headshot isn’t about being glammed up to the point where people in your world wouldn’t recognize you. This is about you being you, comfortable in your skin and inviting people to come play (and do business) with you. There is no need to glob on the make-up or wear clothes that you wouldn’t normally wear. It’s vital that you be your natural self that happens to be getting a picture taken because THAT is the most attractive quality you have – YOU!

It doesn’t take much to have a great headshot – a little attention to detail, some decent lighting, allowing your personality to shine through and you’ve got great face!

So get out there and share those baby blues and pearly whites with the world – we’re waiting for you!!!

© Lynn M. Scheurell


  • Alicia Gwilliam04 August 2012

    I enjoyed your article on head shots! Thank you!

    • Emiko29 September 2012

      I fully agree with your comments. I worked in a career job for 24 yrs and for the past ten years my life has been entrepreneurial. I make good decisions and bad ones but that is all part of the learning curve. As long as you believe in your ability, you will achieve no matter how bad the world recession is. I am just on a new journey now and loving the challenge.
