Creative Catalyst | Catalyst Mastermind
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Catalyst Mastermind

Synergy Accelerates Your Success


change by becoming creative catalyst

Business Is Not About What You Know –

It’s About WHO You Are!



A six-month virtual educational mastermind to teach you how to know your value, have an expansive mindset and package your expertise so you can reach your potential, help more people and change the world through your business.



As someone who desires to help people live their best life and are choosing to do it through teaching, mentoring, speaking, writing and/or coaching, you have likely honed your gifts, skills and talent to a fairly fine point. When you felt you knew enough about what you love to do, you decided to do it for other people who would pay you for it.


Whether you’ve actually been successful in your business or not yet, you’ve no doubt encountered fear, resistance, struggle, setbacks and chaos on some level to doing what you love in exchange for cash. (I know I have… and, after working with thousands of entrepreneurs over the last 17 years, I know that literally every one of them has too!)


Watch this 18-minute video to learn the anatomy of how most expert-based businesses grow, how to get beyond the lies that plague entrepreneurs and the conditioning that has unconsciously created your results up until now – and more:



Unfortunately, the anatomy of most businesses started by experts keeps that expert stuck with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake in business.


Many entrepreneurs think that business-building strategies, tactics and tools are the keys to having a successful business. The reality is that they are only a part of the picture.


Your business is a reflection of you. That means it can grow only as fast as you do. If you have a $20,000 mindset, you cannot have a six-figure business – it just won’t happen.


You have a message – it’s time to be who you really are and share it in a bigger way!



“We soul-driven entrepreneurial types do what we do in the face of daunting odds, despite external circumstances and go way beyond our personal comfort zone because we are compelled to do something bigger than us as an expression of universal source energy. And it’s without a guidebook – it’s never been done before the way we need to do it – and there’s not a lot of dynamic, practical support available for someone who is being on the leading edge of the entrepreneuring self.”

~ Lynn Scheurell


The Five Things That Build Or Block Your Success


I’ve spent almost two decades figuring this out as I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs. It always comes down to one of five things, all of them being personal to you – the entrepreneur:

  • What you believe and how you think about your own value and capability for success.
  • Being able to confront what’s in your blind spot(s).
  • Having the business approach that works for you.
  • Leveraging your resources through right systems.
  • Knowing how to market effectively with right messaging.


As you can see, none of those things have anything to do with what you know about your product or service – it’s about who you are, backed up by business systems and good marketing.


Having knowledge that no one can understand means irrelevance.


Having a business that no one knows about means obsolescence.


Having thought patterns that limit you and your business means torture.



Donnie Hill
Listen in on a 7-minute conversation with Donnie Hill, Catalyst MasterMind member, as he shares about his experience in the program:



Business Is Highly Personal


Business is personal. It can’t be some detached ‘thing’ outside of you because it is you who are birthing it. What affects you has the power to hold back your success.


The good news is that, when you handle your ‘stuff’, are congruent with your values, and your mindset is expansive, you can trust what’s happening through your business. Combine that with business systems, good messaging and solid offers in place, and your business has the ability to soar.

9548967_s“The most profound spiritual truth is that which we discover for ourselves and share with others. As creators, one of the most profound expressions of our beings is through our business. It is through our ability to reflect our inner solutions into outer systems to help others that creates relationship. And relationship is essentially one-ness on a bigger scale.”

~ Lynn Scheurell


And that’s why I’m committing to you in a way that I never have before right now… by inviting you to join me in my Catalyst Mastermind.

Your Business Targets

Here are the targets we’re after through your business:

  • Expressing yourself with transparency and authenticity
  • Feeling fulfilled by making a bigger difference
  • Surfacing and neutralizing your inner saboteurs and limiting thought patterns
  • Building your reputation as an authority in your field
  • Bringing in more clients (and more cash, which is a by-product of doing good work)
  • Systematizing your business operations
  • Compressing time by getting more done so you work less

This isn’t about ideas… this is about your transformation. I am behind you, bringing all of what I know, to help you be successful in your business.


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Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!


Sustainable transformation doesn’t happen in just a session or two – it happens over time. That’s why this is a six-month program.


Private sessions also don’t take advantage of group energy that always leverages the growth process for everyone. So this is a group program to help you transform even faster to your next best level because it has built-in opportunities for personal engagement in order to apply what you learn specifically to your business.

Shelley Kaplar
Meet Shelley, Catalyst MasterMinder…
“Words cannot truly do Lynn justice and what she brings to the table when you work with her. Lynn has the brilliant ability to take your thought processes, ideas, roadblocks and any areas of resistance you may have… then mold them, discuss them with you, share with you her priceless knowledge and bring everything you’ve been dreaming of into fruition.
I secretly believe she wears a cape because she has been beyond superhero amazing with how she has helped me as an entrepreneur. I have been an entrepreneur for nearly 13 years. However within just the last 6 months of working with Lynn in her MasterMind program, I feel as if I have advanced light years ahead of where I first started!
I always knew the direction I wanted to go but felt as if I would come upon roadblock after roadblock. Right after first starting the MasterMind program and receiving a pdf by email of my Karmic Insight Report, I was like a kid at Christmas ready to open THE big present! Keep in mind that I was ready to receive this information (as I was frustrated and tired of coming up against roadblocks) but holy dang! I also was not quite fully prepared for what I read. I honestly cried as it was not only eye-opening but it was a relief to see where I was the hamster on the wheel continuing to do the same patterns over and over again.
Little does Lynn know (well she does now…)… I continually go back and read it over, amazed (but not shocked) at the growth I have gone through as an entrepreneur. I know my growth and journey is never-ending. However, thanks to Lynn, her brilliance, amazing insight and her superhero-like soul, I am beyond grateful for the belief she not only had in me but the belief she super-charged within me.
Thank you Lynn – may your light always shine and light the souls of many!”
~ Shelley Kaplar, Vitality Optimizer


Walking Two Worlds


Whether you know it or not, you’re walking in two worlds right now… one the world of who you are in the largest sense as an expression of universal consciousness and the other the world of physical ‘realities’ where time and money are important to basic survival.


To give yourself the ability to bridge both worlds, it helps to have a like-spirited community, a place to talk about challenges and get support for a new direction, and a touchstone to keep you in positive momentum.


The Catalyst Mastermind is a vital support mechanism for personal evolution in light of doing business as an expression of your life purpose, discovering the blocks that have the power to hold you back and exploring the ‘edges’ of emerging concepts as can be helpful for building your business.


Here is what previous participants have said:
“My business vision is bigger and more integrated than I could have ever imagined on my own. And it’s getting really REAL. In fact, I’m considering when to leave my full-time corporate job.”
“I’m a completely different person than I was six months ago. Everything has changed – from how I see things, to having a website, to having a signature offer, to being able to talk about what I do, to having a brand. I feel like I’ve busted through the box and there’s no lid holding me down anymore. I think I’ll be wearing my tiara a lot more in my near future!”
“I learned to love myself, which is the core of manifesting anything.”
“When I started this program, I had just been released from my last job and I was a little unsettled by that. I wanted to make a full-time living but didn’t know how that could possibly happen. And now I’m doing it! Cash flow is pretty fluid – but it’s happening! I just had a 6th-generation referral, which shows how clients can be ambassadors for your work when you set that up right and are open to receiving. It’s only going get better from here!”
“This program attracted an awesome group of people who were candid, open and clearly committed to be at their next level of entrepreneuring. Lynn’s style is to meet us where we are, without pushing, to let us process and come to our own awareness while teaching what we need to know to make sure we’re growing into our results. I have learned more from her in just six months than I did in 15 years of business!”

Yes I Want To Join For $147/Mo!


Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!




“If you have chosen self-employment as a means of expressing your purpose, your business will fundamentally reflect you. That is, your business will mirror your strengths, deficiencies, challenges and beliefs, among the rest. In that light, being in integrity with your true self and investing in your personal development is the best way to give your business a boost.”

~ Lynn Scheurell


The Catalyst Mastermind Is For You If…


My intention is to be very clear here… the Catalyst Mastermind is about your TRANSFORMATION. It is an EXPERIENCE.


The Catalyst Mastermind is for you if you:


  • Desire to experience a new level of clarity, purpose and momentum in your life and business.
  • Are willing to withstand the rigors of creating shift in your business.
  • Choose personal fulfillment through being of greater service.
  • Are willing to risk letting go of what you know to reach for your growing edge.
  • Want to connect with your life wisdom and purpose in new ways through your business.
  • Are open to sharing with others what you experience to support their growth.
  • Choose to connect the dots of who you are with what you do with fresh perspective.


To be transparent, I don’t even know all the ways that this program will help you. And you may figure that out long after the program has completed. If you have worked with me before, then you know it happens quickly when you ‘get’ what you need (whether or not you knew you needed it!). ;+)


What You Will Receive


Without further ado (and, admittedly, in a “no frills” kinda way), here’s what the Catalyst Mastermind will give to you for $147 / month.


1. Two 60-minute live “Q and A” calls each month, where you can receive laser mentoring from me, connect with like-spirited business owners and learn from their questions as well. While I will record these calls for you, the biggest benefit will be experienced by showing up in the moment because you may be chosen for a ‘laser (t)hot seat’ opportunity.


These group calls will be on the second and fourth Saturday mornings of each month, from 9:00 – 10:00 am Central (that’s 7 am – 8 am PST, 10 am – 11 am EST). (value = $394)


2. A personal 1:1 website / marketing message review session. Together, you and I will go over your website and how you are positioning your services for your market to ensure your message is powerful and compelling. (Note: this benefit will be eligible after the first 30 days in the program.) (value: $297)


3. A private Facebook Group to mastermind daily, share insights and process new perspective regularly throughout the next six months. (value: exponential)


4. Unlimited 1:1 30-minute personal sessions with me at a special Catalyst Mastermind Member VIP rate of just $127. When you have a specific question or situation you need help with, you need an experienced Catalyst to facilitate your transformation. Simply let me know you’re ready and we will schedule a session. (Note: this benefit alone pays for your membership each month because my typical rate is $397/hour…) (value: $100+)


5. A 50% discount on a VIP Business Vision Acceleration Retreat (either virtual or, preferably, here in Austin). There is tremendous value in being together, completely focused on you and your business, for an extended period of time. To learn more, click here – (value: $1,000)


6. A Karmic Insight Report, based on your date of birth, valued at $37. I’ve personally found this astrology report to be invaluable in understanding the karmic forces at work in your life. See for more information. (value: $37)


7. A copy of one of my e-books as a thank you gift! (value: $20, give or take)


8. Participation in my personal “R & D” team (research and development). In other words, you’ll get to taste what I’m doing conceptually ahead of anyone else…). As I come up with new product ideas and need someone to bounce them off of, that will be you. That also means you’ll get lead notice of any new products or services as they come out, 24 hours in advance of the rest of my general list. (value = priceless)


9. “Other” goodies as they come up, like new special reports, ecourses, etc. (you’ll know about that because you’re on the R & D team now!). : + )


One last point… as a very special bonus for registration, you will ALSO receive my Package Your Passion As A Product Program as an online pre-recorded webinar series. This is a four-part program that walks you through how to package your expertise in practical, simple steps – and you will get access to it immediately with your registration! (For details on this program, click here – ) (value: $297)


All this is with my intention to give you support on a regular basis to make a bigger contribution to the world by knowing who you are and building your business around that for authentic, aligned success.


My purpose is to change the world, but it will only happen through you. As I support your transformation, you increase your capacity to go out and make a difference – and knowing that fills up my spirit and confirms that I’m on my right path too.



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Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!


About Your Teacher




Making the most of human nature since 1998, Lynn M. Scheurell is an authority for high-potential entrepreneurs who desire to create  intentional business success by connecting the dots between inner beliefs  and outer business expression. As a visionary pioneer, personal power  development teacher for entrepreneurs and authority in the area of  conscious business, she is a leading proponent that entrepreneuring is  one’s highest calling made manifest through service. As a result, one’s  business is the ultimate tool for personal growth.


Internationally known for her empowering and inclusive approach to conscious business, Lynn  teaches entrepreneurs how to identify, align and express their true nature at every stage in business to accelerate results. Changing the world starts by understanding your motivations, inspirations and purpose; in other words, changing the world starts within you. Only then can you apply your intensity through strategic business models, systems, compelling messaging and focused action to create conscious, and often dramatic, results.


What You Need To Know


The Catalyst Mastermind begins on September 13, 2014 and runs through February 23, 2015.The specific dates are: (2014) 9/13, 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22, 12/13, 12/27, (2015) 1/10, 1/24, 2/14 and 2/28.


Once you commit to being in the Catalyst Mastermind, you are in it until the end. If that does not appeal to you, don’t do it. (Remember, group calls will be recorded so if you have to miss a Saturday morning, you will be able to listen to it later.)


At about halfway into the program, it’s going to get challenging. That’s because the old, stuck, dysfunctional stuff is now surfaced so you can address it. It’s important to know that going in so that you know to expect it. We’ll be ready for it… but know that’s one of the signs that you are in the process of transforming.


Now, if you’re not satisfied for any reason, I want to know it (of course!). That’s because I know there’s no other program out there that will go as far in meeting your needs on a 360-degree basis – especially for this investment. I stand behind my work – always.


There are two enrollment options:


Monthly: $147  (for 6 months)


Full $797 (one-time payment)



Yes I Want To Join For $147/Mo!


Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!



The Catalyst Mastermind is designed to break through inertia, give you revolutionary strategies, ideas and practical application of new information to create your successful business from who you are – after all, that’s where your “mojo” lives, right?


My intention is to meet you where you are – and that’s ever-changing. That’s why there is personal attention built into this program. You will have access to the support you need to answer your questions as we go.


A Recap


To sum it up one more time, here’s what you will get to support your entrepreneurial transformation:
1. Two 60-minute live “Q and A” calls each month.
2. A personal 1:1 website / marketing message review session.
3. Unlimited 1:1 30-minute personal sessions with me at a special Catalyst Mastermind Member VIP rate of just $127.
4. A private Facebook Group.
5. A 50% discount on a VIP Business Vision Acceleration Retreat.
6. A Karmic Insight Report.
7. A copy of one of my e-books.
8. Participation in my personal “R & D” team.
9. “Other” goodies as they come up.
10. REGISTRATION BONUS: Package Your Passion As A Product Program.


That’s at least $2,140 in products and services, designed to support your entrepreneurial transformation through experience, practical application and consistent focus, for just $147/month OR $797/paid in full.


Yes I Want To Join For $147/Mo!


Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!


On behalf of the people who you will help and your greatness that is calling you forward, I look forward to what’s unfolding for you. I’m honored to be your Catalyst.


To Your Entrepreneurial Transformation And Catalyzed Business Success~


Lynn M. Scheurell


Transformation Catalyst
P.S.: If you aren’t sure yet if the Catalyst Mastermind is for you, ask yourself :


Are you willing to repeat the last of year of your business to get the same results you have now – or do you want greater visibility with confidence in your industry to help more people and generate more revenues through your business?


If you answered yes to the second question, what are you willing to do different than what you’ve already done to make it happen? And what are you willing to trade for it?


(I think you’ll see that you can either bump around in the proverbial dark losing your time and energy or pay bigger bucks to get the support you need… just sayin’…)


The first Catalyst Mastermind call is March 8. And you get a whole bunch of goodies between now and then… ! ;=)


Yes I Want To Join For $147/Mo!


Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!


P.P.S: Truth be told, I have offered a similar program previously. It was a month-to-month program that benefitted participants in a big way. Here are some of the comments from that (it was called the Catalyst Club):


I Learned I Have A Real Business
“Having been in business for almost 15 years, I knew it was time to go to my next level. But I didn’t know what that meant or how to get there. By working with Lynn and participating in the Catalyst MasterMind, I have a bigger vision than I could have stepped into on my own and the support to do it. This group of amazing people really ‘gets’ what it means to be on the leading edge of business. The rest of my life is changed as a result of this experience.”
~ Teresa Lyles
It’s the Unified Field
“There is definitely something energetically catalyzing about this group – I get charged up to do more on my projects afterwards.
I wanted to share with you that I was listening to a lecture on Quantum Physics this week, and the speaker was talking about Quantum Geometrodynamics (whew!). He made the comment that the universe before the Big Bang was made of Quintessence (or emptiness and its reverberations). He said that it was those reverberations within itself that were Catalytic to creating the whole universe.
The point is that Spirit or Soul (another name for Quintessence) is Catalytic to the creation of everything in the universe. The process of catalyzing (reverberating within Self) is the essence of creativity.
So what I’m suggesting is that Creative Catalyst Club is the expression of Spirit, of the Unified Field reverberating. When we get together on the call, it’s like our unique reverberations (input and feelings) are creating something new, just like the universe. Our little club, and your business, is a microcosm of the eternal process of all creation in the universe. What a great name you’ve chosen!
I treasure each and every Catalyster… thank you for making this Club the awesome experience it is for me and everyone else!!!” ;+)
~ Mike Neer


Blending Intuition Seamlessly With Business
“Just a brief note to say a BIG thank you for the Catalyst Club calls. While I’m not so fond of waking up at that hour on a Saturday — I do have to admit that I am always charged up and energized by the end of the call.
You have the awesome gifts of combining practical business and marketing know-how with spirituality and intuition with such a seamless integrated holistic approach — that is TOTALLY refreshing and EXTRAORDINARILY UNIQUE in the marketplace.”
~ Stephanie Bell


I Am the Creator of My Destiny
“As the Creative Catalyst, Lynn has opened up new worlds for me. I have no business experience, nor do I come from a family with any entrepreneurs. All I have is passion and ideas galore. Lynn focuses that passion and helps to create practical plans and ideas to manifest my business ideas. I’m just now officially opening my business, but she’s helped me streamline my vision and stay on the path of what’s necessary to start with and not get distracted by frills that can be added later. Her knowledge of marketing is endless and saved me countless months of fumbling around through trial and error. So, even if your business is nothing more than an idea, she will give you the tools to let you plant, water, and grow that seed of an idea into a reality! Thank you Lynn! You’ve let me see that I can be the creator of my own destiny!”
~ Kelley Dawkins

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Yes I Want To Join For $797 Now!



