Creative Catalyst | Breaking Out Of The Status Quo
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Breaking Out Of The Status Quo

By Lynn Scheurell

For many people, one of the main goals in life is to achieve a certain level of material comfort and then do what it takes to maintain it (or add to financial reserves). And we humans are hard-wired to do just that – to get beyond survival to a place where we can relax and “enjoy life”.

Unfortunately, that’s not enough for an inspired, motivated entrepreneur.

Such entrepreneurs have a different motivator, because it’s their passion, their reason for being, that is calling them to do more, contribute more, be more.

Generally speaking, there is a little fuzziness about what that means, but these ‘new’ entrepreneurs don’t really have a choice. The calling is stronger than their current circumstances, relationships or situation.

In fact, they may not even know what they’ve agreed to do or become in order to bring their motivations into being, much less having clarity about how to express that through a business.

Here are some of the most common reasons that tend to show up when an inspired entrepreneur needs to break the inertia of the status quo to fulfill their motivation, purpose and personal quest to change the world. Could this be you?

  1. The Fear: the fear is of doing it wrong, so instead you do nothing.
  1. The Overwhelm: there’s so much to take in, do and address that you can’t see what needs to be done.
  1. The Invisible: you’re in the ‘thick’ of it and just can’t see what’s next (think can’t see the forest for all the trees in the way).
  1. The Cursed How’s: you don’t know how to do it, so spend time researching, preparing and get frustrated or maybe even give up.
  1. The Perfection: you are attached to doing it perfect the first time, and if that doesn’t seem possible, you don’t even try.
  1. The Caretaker: you doing things different could upset the people you care about, and because you don’t want to hurt them, you stop.
  1. The Today: the needs, responsibilities and obligations of today supersede creating for tomorrow.
  1. The Known: it’s more comfortable to stay where you are, even if it’s dysfunctional, than to go beyond what you already know how to handle into the unknown.
  1. The Control: by pushing beyond what you know, you will be tested (your boundaries, resilience, strength, perception, take action, etc.) as you put new things in motion; it can feel like you have little to no control over what’s happening so you slow down or even stop.


The bottom line of this is that you have to sacrifice the security of the status quo in order to get to new places.

Growth is uncomfortable and shakes up your world in order to get you to where you need to be, and, by definition, if it’s some place you’ve never been, it will feel unfamiliar.

That doesn’t make it wrong, just different, and if it’s been a long time since you’ve ventured beyond what you already know, it might be time to get out of the status quo and into your next best level.

So, if you recognize yourself in any of the above scenarios, take a few minutes to consider what you can do right now to break beyond that barrier of comfortable familiarity into something you’ve wanted to do, have or become.

Ask your inner guidance for direction and take one action before the day ends.

And you will be on your way to enjoying your journey in amazing new ways as you express your motivation to change the world in alignment with what you’re doing – expanding beyond where you’ve been into your inspired possibilities.


  • Balin12 August 2012

    Starting my business in the Chi… I just dissolved my LLC in PA… sigh… moving forward…
